Action on Climate Conference in Milan and bus Joha - 18.11.2003 19:47
On the occasion of the 9th conference of the partis (cop9) on climate change, it's time to take action on climate change. There will be actions in Amsterdam, Milano, and whereever you organize one. Or, get a trip on our bus to Milan. Call to People�s Action for a Fair Climate dismantle the U.N.-shamed Corruption on Climate Change Milan 5th �13th December 2003 Climate change is a reality. How will people, rivers, forest and agriculture cope? Should we be really worried about climate change? Has it something to do with all of us? And, if it is taking place, will the UN Convention on Climate Change manage to stop the worst case scenario or could it contribute to make the situation even worse? At the beginning of December the next UN Convention on Climate Change will take place in Milan. The COP 9 is the ninth Conference of the Parties to a UN treaty signed at the first Earth Summit in 1992 in Rio. It took the UN process 5 years to agree to a 5.2% average reduction in greenhouse gases from 1990 levels,the Kyoto Protocol. But thirteen years after the Earth Summit, the Kyoto protocol has been so watered down that even its inadequate targets have been severely undermined. Usually, non-beurocrats and non-�experts� are left out of the UN climate change rethorics (SPELLING), obscure and technocratic jargon that cannot be easily understood by the majority of the people. Have you ever wondered why we are being encouraged to leave our future up to �them� and not get involved? Only 122 companies in the world are responsible for 80 per cent of all carbon dioxide emissions, and just four private global oil corporations produce 10 per cent of all CO2 emissions. Impressive numbers that explain why perhaps it is convenient for these sectors not to have people asking basic questions. (do you have a reference for the statistics?) From the beginning of international discussions about climate change, a mix of state and corporate power has been taking over UN processes and has systematically opposed the structural changes needed to truly face climate change. In fact, the solutions that attempt to challenge the current economic model are just ignored or directly sabotaged. Do we trust the actors that have caused the problem to find the right answers? Or is it �business as usual� in a different suit? Actually, who are the institutions and companies that claim to be creating the solutions? Apart from the UN, the major driving forces are the World Bank, notorious for its funding of large-scale fossil fuel projects, the European Investment Bank and the Asian Development Bank. All are making lucrative deals with big oil and gas companies such as Shell, BP, and Amoco. Thanks to the Kyoto Protocol �market based� measures of emissions trading and clean development mechanisms, corporations have found a new way of continuing their ruthless merchantilisation (spelling) of nature. Air and pollution become one more resource to make a profit , while sinks and other options promoted examples such as large dams or nuclear power which also have dramatic impacts in local communities, soils and natural resources where they are implemented. The solutions to global warming comprise drastic reductions of our fossil fuel use, developing alternative sources of energy to replace fossil fuels, removing carbon dioxide from emissions at the source, eliminating the use of chlorofluorocarbons� In brief, looking for a cut down of emissions at the source implies a radical change in our current use of energy, the free trade economic model and the consumer-based lifestyles derived from it. We can not leave this issue to �experts�. It is a critical matter that affects the lives of all people throughout the world because Climate Change is a question of social justice. Take action on the root causes of Climate Change Reclaim a real change against exploitation and expropriation of space, air and resources Come to the Critical Mass protest in Milan or Decentralise the Protest wherever you are More into at: (and later also: ) bus to Milan...make your reservation!!! Bus to Milan As CoP9 on Climate Change is happening in Milan, there is a bus in the planning. This BUS will ARRIVE on Friday the 5th of December in Milan, and LEAVE Saturday the 13th of December early back to the Netherlands. And yes, there are seats for you...if you make a RESERVATION BEFORE THE 27th OF NOVEMBER by a reply to this email address or call the following number 06 45624106 giving me your name and a contact detail please make a reservation as soon as possible so that we know how big we need to make the bus_ If there are enough people to sign in we could make the trip around 100 euros per person...!!!! Hope to hear from you soon and sending you off to Italy, Website: |