Frankfurt,Germany 27.09.2003,Demonstration 24hoursofSUN - 02.09.2003 17:17
Demonstration against Cop Repression and for autonomous projects and free space everywhere! Frankfurt am Main Germany 27.09.2003:Demonstration against Cop Repression and for autonomous projects and free space everywhere! Under the motto " Squating all lanes" the demonstration will take the form of a RTS"Reclaim The Streets" action. The day before will be a preparation day ,also available are sleeping places and a peoples kitchen(cooked food). The reason for a demonstration is the recent eviction of the caravan place in Frankfurt-R�delheim on 22.07.03, the eviction of the two day squated ex-police repair garage complex ,the eviction of the K�ln No Border camp,and the endangerment of other Autonomous projects in Frankfurt and everywhere. As an example the city of Frankfurt has passed a new group of laws pertaining to "public order" included are the strengthening of laws against such dangerous things like peeing in public,drinking alcohol in public,general "disorderliness" . Of course these laws are applied mainly against foreigners,homeless,and other marginalized people. We are URGENTLY calling on your ideas ,plans ,and participation. Write to: info phone: 0049-(0)-178-8109714 27.09.2003 Starting point for the RTS: 16:00 Hauptbahnhof(in front of the Central Station) Frankfurt am Main also under in German: http// E-Mail: |