Cologne: The No-Border Camp continues ! No-border, no nations- fight deportations! - 01.09.2003 16:21
Final demonstration of the 6th Antiracist No-Border Camp on September 6th 2003 in Cologne On August 9th 2003, the 6th Antiracist No-Border Camp in Cologne was prematurely terminated by a violent police operation. During this action that lasted 17 hours, there were physical encroachments by the police. Reading 40 degrees in the shade, the water-supply was temporarily cut off, tear-gas and batons came into use, the telephone and internet-connections were interrupted. Injured persons could often not be treated. Over 350 persons had their identity recorded, they were filmed and photographed and transported to the penal collection-point In Br�hl. In the proceeding of the police against the No-Border Camp in Cologne, the state shows its determination to forbid camps of this kind in future. However, this will not stop us to continue camping and to maintain this option of vigorously discussing state- and societal racism, the development of joint resistance and the creation of publicity. In doing this, we aim mainly against national and international control- and surveillance-techniques, deportation, so-called "Sammel-", "Auffang-" and "Ausreiselager" and the racist consensus of a majority-population, that assentingly accepts this. We want to oppose a policy that sets hurdles for the world-wide movement of people looking for a more dignifying life, a policy that divides and selects people according to their supposed belonging to a certain "Volk", their possible economic utilization, their nationality. Against state- and daily racism in society, against capitalist logic! Stop the criminalisation of antiracist praxis !!! For one, two, hundreds of Camps !!! Everyone come to the demonstration on Saturday, September 6th 2003. Opening speech: 2 p.m. Heumarkt, Cologne Closing speech: 4 p.m. Alter Markt, Cologne |