Chili:THIS IS WHY WE ARE ALIVE; NO FORGIVENES P.Matta - 31.08.2003 13:27
Children of the Disappeared and Murdered by the Pinochet Dictatorship Children of the Disappeared and Murdered by the Pinochet Dictatorship WE DON'T ACCEPT NOR WILL WE EVER ACCEPT IMPUNITY To the public: Almost 30 years since the military coup, t he Right, the Concertaci�n Government and the high command of the Armed Forces, have pulled together a historic political agreement that intends to perpetuate impunity in our country. None of the points of the plan presented by the Government, today applauded by the assassins, allow for advancing down the road of justice in our nation. What's worse, it offers alternatives to those who participated in these crimes, allowing them to receive complete immunity in exchange for information and the reduction of sentences for those who are already indicted for their participation in these crimes. We think that this is one more insult, just like the Human Rights Roundtable (Mesa de Dialogo), to those judges who today are honestly carrying out their functions, to the families, and to society as a whole. In Chile, the vast majority of those responsible for murders, torture, and the disappearances committed d uring the Dictatorship, are walking free on the streets or are detained in luxurious centers provided by the Army. We appreciate the efforts of some Ad Hoc Judges and other judges who are handling human rights cases. Nonetheless, we think this is insufficient, because the courts need a greater number of judges dedicated to these cases and more resources to investigate. We think that the country, together with repudiating the bloody acts that many Chileans lived through, should sanction, both socially and legally, all of those who participated in these crimes, even if they were accomplices or helped cover up the crimes. This is the only way that our children and future generations will be able to live in peace knowing that in Chile, no political or military official will ever again commit the wrongs that we have so unjustly been forced to live through. We are tired of lies, promises, and false ho pes. Conscious of the fact that there is no possible reparation because nothing can ever bring back our families or Chile's lost compatriots, we declare an indefinite Hunger Strike so that our country and the world knows that, in Chile, the political authorities have refused to recognize these crimes as crimes against humanity, meaning that they cannot be amnestied nor can they benefit from statutes of limitations; to do so is in violation of all international treaties that have come into existence since the Second World War. We call upon all those people and social organizations that wish to live in a just and democratic nation to publicly express their support and speak out for justice. The families are willing to continue fighting and we will not end this Hunger Strike until we see some advance towards justice in Chile. But this task is that of everyone; today more than ever, silence is on the si de of impunity. THIS IS WHY WE ARE ALIVE; NO FORGIVENESS, NO FORGETTING We need your solidarity and support. Your solidarity is critical. Until the last criminal pays.. Support messages can be sent to: Alexandra Benado; Iv�n Carrasco; Natalia Chanfreau; Yuri Gahona; Fahra Nehgme; Juan Jos� Parada; Michelle Retamal; Alberto Rodr�guez; Daniela Taberna; Carolina Vald�s; B�rbara Vergara; Pablo Villagra; Eduardo Ziede Huelga Luciano Carrasco Place: Compa��a # 2404 Contact telephones: Fasting group: (56-2) 672.98.97 Natalia Chanfreau: 09-219.45.99 Yuri Gahona: 09-886.86.56 E-Mail: Website: |