Hara Kiri van de NVJ-presstituees ? Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars - 31.08.2003 09:56
Het is natuurlijk een onvergefelijke schande, dat de 'Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten' - die vakbond ! - DRIE websites waar gepubliceerd en gedebatteerd kon worden kan dichtgooien: "wegens abjecte meningen" ! En niemand reageert !?! Voor iedereen, die ook nog maar een greintje gezond verstand heeft, moet het toch hartverscheurend zjn om te zien hoe de laatste restjes van de persvrijheid en vrijheid van meningsuiting in Nederland om zeep worden geholpen ? Waar zijn alle Trips. Pauwen en Wittemannen ? Lafaards zijn het ! Foreign Press Foundation - The Netherlands - For free and fair use. MEDIA : HARA KIRI IN HOLLAND 'The Noble Art of Self-Destruction' by Henk Ruyssenaars* 4 Million dollars 'Wiedergutmachung' to a 'silenced' journalist. FPF-Amsterdam - Aug. 28-2003 -The 'Netherlands Journalist's Union'(NVJ), has just closed THREE of it's websites-fora: 'because of abject points of view', according to the official explanation. "We will in the future open a 'moderated' site"... - "Moderation" being a euphemism for censorship, as everybody knows. But why are all Dutch media dead silent about this ? Is it really that bad, in this easy-going little Kingdom ? A deafening silence confirms this. Last week-end, the whole Dutch 'Journalism-Establishment' was - in writing - asked to react to the forced closing of the three Union-outlets : Nobody reacted ! And not a sound was heard ! On these journalist-sites, the Union's fora, questions were repeatedly asked and debated. Items which got no - or unfair - treatment, in the mainstream-media which spin-poison Holland. Like questions about the 'Fake Lockerbie trial' in Holland*. Or about widespread corruption in the dutch military-industrial complex and their right-wing government, and of course questions about the legitimacy of the Dutch armed forces; taking actively part in the illegal American wars. Holland as a State - is acting without UN-mandates, Declaration of War, nor has it been attacked by neither Afghanistan or Iraq for that matter. Moreover: in Holland polls show that 75% of the people is against this bombing and killing of innocent people in Afghanistan, and assisting in the US/UK-occupied and destroyed Iraq, with Dutch 'cannon-fodder'. In the present press climate you're not supposed to inform about the fact that Holland - like the US/UK is trampling on the UN-Charter; breaking most international laws and conventions, which the former Netherlands, in more democratic times - has signed too. Dutch war criminals -But, 'if all works out for the better', as is said by 'concerned citizens', the International Criminal Court, ICC, based in the Hague*, will have Dutch war criminals to deal with. The warmongers and their apostles who are in charge now, in the industry, intelligencedefense, politics, and - of course - the 'spin doctors' and 'journalists'of the opinion forming media. A Tribunal is prepared in England too.* - A short while ago - and strangely enough - Reporters without Borders put the Netherlands on a shared 1-st place on their Index, among 'Champions of Press Freedom, and Freedom of Opinion'. Which had nothing to do with Dutch reality. So; many wonder why the only Dutch Journalist's Union, is forcing Hara-Kiri on it's 10 thousand members, the guest writers, and the remnants of press freedom in - the once so progressive - Netherlands ? Critical voices are silenced by the Dutch Journalist's Union itself. As a foreign correspondent living in the Netherlands, one sees how Investigative Reporting', is now turned into "Entartete Kunst". Good questions are getting bad reactions and consequences. Is this all a part of a now rejected press culture ? Rejected by a Journalist's Union ? Or by whom ? Who profits?* -'Reporters without Borders' refer to asking Dutch journalists, researchers and legal experts to answer 50 questions about the whole range of press freedom violations. But the media people asked apparently have never heard of censorship in their own country. How come they're all mute, deaf and blind ? 4 Million dollars 'Wiedergutmachung' to a 'silenced' journalist. One of the few Dutch journalist-correspondents, which Dutch industry and state did not manage to silence, is Willem Oltmans*. After forty-six years of harassment on a global scale, by all tentacles of the Dutch State, the same 'Champion state of Press Freedom'- was three years ago - and by Court order - forced to pay Oltmans, a four million dollars indemnation/Wiedergutmachung. Confirming - for once - their obstruction and guilt. Looking at Holland as a correspondent, who has lived outside of his own country for four decades in different countries and continents - one can only - in the name of objectivity, and media in coma - conclude that the Netherlands should be on the Index as one of the worst ranked countries. With few and seldom quoted exceptions - press freedom is nearly a dead letter, and independent newspapers do not exist. The only voice heard is of media tightly economically controlled, or monitored by the government's 'threshold keepers'. The very few independent journalists are constantly silenced; they're just declared 'NoNo's'. As far as is known in Holland, monitoring of journalists, searches, legal summonses and confiscation of equipment, are all happening. And, what a shame; it's effective. No 'Investigative reporting' by correspondents ? The Foreign Press Association in Holland is heavily sponsored by many of the 'Enron's' they are supposed to keep a wary eye upon: Quote 'Reporters Index' : "Right at the top of the list four countries share the first place - Finland, Iceland, Norway and the Netherlands. These northern European states scrupulously respect press freedom in their own countries but also speak up for it elsewhere". The undersigned has - as foreign correspondent - for fifteen years worked and lived in Scandinavia too, is fluent in Swedish, and has - through own experience - a view different from Reporters without Borders. The only thing, there seems to be no Border to, is the fantasies and/or incorrectness of the Reporters without Borders-Index on Press freedom. The global industry, and the Dutch and Scandinavian states, use every means to control the media and stifle any dissenting voice. Hardly any real criticism, of the United States or Israel's genocidal actions is allowed. Holland, regretfully, has turned into some kind of 'America half asleep';especially on the important opion-forming media front. Hurting is not only the Press Freedom-Hara Kiri of this socalled 'Journalists Union": it's the deafening silence covering it ! --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Reporters without Borders - INDEX
http://www.rsf.fr/article.php3?id_article=4116 Lockerbie : a 2.7.billion $ Sham and Shame.
http://informationclearinghouse.info/article4460.htm War crimes Tribunal preparations England :
http://www.cnduk.org/pages/press/23103.html *International Criminal Court - The Hague-Holland
http://www.icc-cpi.int/php/index.php *Who Profits ?
http://www.newworldpeace.com/media2.html *Willem Oltmans-URL :
http://www.xs4all.nl/~stgvisie/VISIE/WarCriminal.html FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars The Netherlands fpf (at) chello.nl *The Dutch author worked for many decades for international A/V media as foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism ! |