GREYS ARE WINNING! RAINBOWS NEEDED IMMED rhythms of resistance - 21.08.2003 18:57
call out for international mobilisation anti DSEi London 6-12 September GREYS ARE WINNING! RAINBOWS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY! DSEi Callout 2003 While the WTO circus of economic oppression rocks Cancun, DSEi, Europe�s biggest arms fair - is coming to London! DSEi = Defence Systems & Equipment international = Destroying Societies Environments and Individuals On 9th-12th September 2003, the World's most Bloodthirsty Corporations and States will amass for an orgy of Cannons and Caviar, Shells and Champagne, Tanks and Truffles, Money and Murder! Do you Love Global Diversity? YES! Do you Love Peace? YES! Do you love to Party? YES! Do you Love Businessmen in suits selling Arms? Em... No! Don't Think So?!!! Then Come DANCE with uS! ? SAMBA BEATS, RainBOW Freaks, CarNivaL against the ARMS TRADE! To Anarchists not BLACK, Socialists not RED and Ecologists not GREEN: We call for a festival of alternatives, a Rainbow of Resistance. We are going to Disarm DSEi, to end the reign of the War of Terror / Weapons of Mass Destruction that weigh like a Nightmare on the Brains of the Living. We are going to Destroy DSEi, to Reclaim Our Futures, before their weapons rip the flesh of more lovers. We are going to Shut Down DSEi, in solidarity with our sisters and brothers against the WTO in Cancun, because we realise POVERTY IS A FORM OF VIOLENCE, and that in order to maintain this violence the global elites need batons, guns, tanks, fences, security & spying systems, an army of war machines. They need all this to exploit Our World, The World of the Many, Ruled by the Few. And we are going to do it with smiles on our faces and songs in our hearts, so join us to create an autonomous direct action carnival space in London against the Arms Trade. Bring DRUMS, dancing shoes, SAMBISTAS, rainbows, cotton wool, solar flares, fun, and proactive self-organisation. We will challenge everything that DSEi and the WTO stand for with our actions and our voices. Look at to gain knowledge for the mobilisation of Indians against the Cowboys. We hope to organise horizontally, through affinity groups, and not hierarchically. We are all leaders and this is our strength - no councils, no superiors, no secret information. 1st meeting Saturday 6th September, 7 pm at the convergence space. When requesting accommodation at this space, please specify that you are part of the carnival mobilisation�. Bring your best tutu... Oh yeah, one more thing: We understand our Rainbow as neither "pacifist" nor "violent", because we think these concepts are useless and their being cast as opposites in debates is absurd. We are tired to death of falling, again and again, into this trap of words. We respect the fact that among us there exist very different ideas about confrontation, and we embrace this diversity. We therefore want to imagine and create, together, a fluid and open space of creative and life-affirming protest/action. A space where our beautiful gestures of liberation can coexist, where all of us are in control of what is going on, and where each of us can choose, and change, what they do and how. If utopia is for walking, then revolution is for dancing! Come out and play! Email us at: In Love and Struggle, All the Colours of Resistance Rainbow Children for Global Liberation |