Deportations and desecrations A Love Supreme - 18.04.2003 11:49
Deportations and desecrations and the ugly face of the BNP The UK Government is offering 3,000 pounds to Iraqi families who were granted asylum during the reign of Saddam Hussein � if they go home to �safe� Iraq. This is known as �voluntary repatriation�. The word�voluntary� seems a bit of a generous description when you realize that if they refuse, they will eventually be forcibly deported. This same scheme was applied to Afghan refugees (for 2,500 pounds per family or 600 for individuals). Later this month the government will charter a plane to return the first 50 �refuseniks� to Kabul. (Don�t be silly, of course Afghanistan is safe, there are Americans soldiers there). Last weekend there were reports that 40 Muslim graves in Leicester had been vandalized. The graveyard has a mixed population, but only the headstones of Muslims were damaged or pushed over (some in spite of being cemented down). An Islamic prayer room on the site was also damaged. Just yesterday we heard that when the family of a deceased Muslim woman went to view their mother�s body, someone had put strips of BACON on her body� (I read about this on Indymedia yesterday but for some reason the story has been pulled). In the meantime, in the leadup to elections around the country the British National Party (BNP) are campaigning hard, using a strongly �anti-immigrant� line. In one area they even say �we want to make this a multiculture-free zone�. Tomorrow, close to the 10th anniversary of the murder of Stephen Lawrence, the BNP want to march in South London. Ken Livingstone has made an urgent call for the Home secretary, David Blunkett, to ban the planned National front March taking place in Bermondsey. The Mayor believes the march to be deeply provocative and is likely to lead to racist attacks taking place in the area. Slogans such as ' Keep Bermondsey White' are both racist and criminal. In 2001, an Asian man was subjected to a horrific racist attack during the aftermath of the march. The National Civil Rights Movement have been running a tireless campaign UNITED to stop the BNP, throughout the country. Their prime methods have been vigilance and endless leafletting and information campaigns to dissuade voters from giving the BNP seats on local councils. Well, of course, we all know the BNP aren�t racist � they just want to �keep Britain British� (you know, like India was). Two very good news sources from UK are: |