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 | N5M TV: Salto A 1 + internet streams | salto.nl - 11.09.2003 18:04
Live via the net from the Hybrid Media Studio, De Melkweg on Amsterdam 1 TV Thursdaynight 00:00-02:00 Fridaynight 00:00-02:00 Saturdaynight 00:00-02:00 RealVideo http://live.dds.nl/2.ram (2!) Salto A1 (Amsterdam cable UHF 39+ / 616,00 Mhz) Other live streams will be annouced. Website: http://Live.dds.nl | 20:00 CET = 2 pm EST | N5M 9/11 - 11.09.2003 19:24
20:00 CET Central European Time (Amsterdam) = 2 pm EST Eastern Standard Time (New York) 00:00 CET Central European Time (Amsterdam) = 6 pm EST Eastern Standard Time (New York)
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